Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
Celebrate Family. Hope. Life.
Family Hope Center offers hope to families by providing pregnancy and parenting education, support services for relationships, and baby supplies. We emphasize the value of each family member with compassion and grace.
geneva family hope center


International Gospel Missions is a Christian organization that is committed to reaching the world with the Gospel of Christ. IGM seeks to empower national church planters and missionaries from around the world. These people are caring for orphans, maintaining church growth, planting churches beyond their homeland, and boldly proclaiming the Good News of Jesus by which all must be saved.
National pastors from around the world visit our church and describe their ministry. This year we have heard from pastors in Ghana and India.
Rescue. Raise. Rebuild.
"In a time of civil war, we planted Watoto Church in Kampala, Uganda to speak hope and life to the nation. Since then, Watoto has placed thousands of orphans in families, empowered vulnerable women to reach their communities, rescued babies and former child soldiers, and sent children’s choirs across six continents.
As we work alongside the most vulnerable in our society, our aim is to rescue individuals and raise each one as a leader in their sphere of life so that, in turn, they will rebuild the nation. In over 30 years, the challenges facing the nation have changed, but the vision remains the same. In all of this, Watoto remains a local church, committed to celebrating Christ and caring for community."
Ian and Heidi Fry:
Eden Children's Village
The Eden Children's Village includes several ministry components: the Village, the Farm, the School and the Clinic. They care for children in a holistic way, providing nourishment and medical care. Their vision is to "raise productive citizens of the Kingdom of God and of the nation of Zimbabwe to the glory of God the Father, exalting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior through replicating His life and ministry while He was on the earth."